Wednesday, August 19, 2009

yellow butter cake

that is the official name here but i believe the right name for it should be chocolate yellow butter cake. it is super yummy!!!! butter cake with a layer of chocolate in between and in top and on the sides. my first real official cake and it turned out really well! i'll let the photos do the talking. :o)

i really like makes me happy once everything is done - even though it leaves me with a messy kitchen with chocolate fingerprints everywhere. *grins*


  1. I've recently started baking too babe, and you're right.. makes me happy having it turn out nicely! :) that and there always being cake in the fridge.. hurhurhur

    i want the chocoloate butter cake recipe.. send me k?

  2. oooh and if you're looking for a recipe site, i love this girl's stuff!

    Times Online listed her site as THE best food blog -

    go see, try and show pics!! :)

  3. ooooooh yeah!!!! you're baking too! share any lovely recipes you have k! here's the yellow butter cake recipe, go try! it's super yummy. some of the boys in x's agency testify to this too. hur hur!
