Wednesday, January 27, 2010

crazy 48 hours

so much has happened in the last 48 hours compared to the last 11 months we've been here.

we saw the inside of the hospital. we saw the inside of an ER. we had our own "grey's anatomy" moment. there was blood, a mini surgery, tears, fears...

but we're all good now.

i whined about falling sick in a foreign land, but that wasn't the worst. taking care of someone else when you are sick is the worst. i hate that i am sick. i wish i was in the pink of health. i wish i was better at taking care.


  1. oh goodness gracious! what on earth happened to u both!

  2. tell u more when i see u online. but my voice now gone...i sound like THE NANNY. *pengsans* dun tell mummy i sick ah!
