Monday, February 15, 2010

Our first CNY away from home

there are so many things i miss about CNY that I don't even think I can rem to list them all...let's see, ba kwa, pineapple tarts, cuttlefish, loh hei, ang pow, hot red dress with brand new heels, my family....etc etc etc.

so much so that i almost forgot about reunion dinner on CNY's eve. we didnt plan to cook at home and neither did we plan to have any special dinner until we were out. it was too late to hit any of the restaurants at chinatown by then so we had our reunion dinner at a bar! with NBA all stars' game on the telly somemore. totally worth it though. the food at Jacob Wirth was super duper yummy. i collapsed back at home cos i overate. :o(

and on CNY day, it was also v-day and it was also our 1 year mark in boston. time flies....!

so we celebrated with brunch at the same place we had our very first meal in boston on our very first day here. it's Joe's American Bar and Grill! and oddly enuf, they sat us at the exact same table a year ago! if only there was 4D, i would have gone to buy some numbers. LOL.

the same pose as a year ago! HUR HUR!

and the best way to end the day, sushi and sashimi at Haru for dinner!

happy chinese new year everyone! eat plenty of ba kwa!!!!!

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