Tuesday, March 10, 2009

burger face!

mummy use to call me burger face for a while, cos i had burgers almost 3 times a week. tt was quite a few years ago, thankfully.

anyway, here's my burger from last night!!! the boy gobbled it up in 3 mins, he loved it! i love it, it's my first burger and it's so much better than any other burger out there. ha! i'm biased. n those things are oven baked potato wedges, i know it doesnt look like it, but they were yummy too!

on to not so nice things, erm, i choked the toilet bowl last night. with erm, my poop. *faints* i was so embarassed when the guy came to fix it. i wanted to flush myself down (in a different bowl of cos).

and i bought kitchen towels instead of toilet paper. i was mistaken....well, obviously the boy had something to say about the mistake. pfffft.

and this is the boy's new office!!!! i love how it looks....
this is their logo. quite erm...i dunno, tattoo-like.

and this is the agency's logo/mascot. yes, an owl.

and yes, pple always like pasting their logos everywhere on everything...at his agency, they just have that logo lurking around where u won't miss it.

burger face is off to make lunchie!!!


  1. is it just me, or is the bird a bit pa jiao?

  2. And how come your burger turned out so nice?!

    Did you use pre-made patties or did you make the patties on your own??

    The last time niklas and i made beef patties, it looked [and tasted.. dont tell niklas] like a hard lump of ths thing you couldnt flush down the toilet..

  3. hahahahahahahaha! pre-made one la, already cooking is not easy, why u go make your own patty. the burger was sooooo good, cos i used spices to marinade n grill so we didnt need any other sauces to go with the burger.

    the bird is weird. maybe it is pa jiao, u know, all things in an agency is like tt one...abit siao. LOL!
