Friday, March 13, 2009

MEME relationship

stolen from my lil whine babe:

How long have you been together?
8 months.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
i say 8 months but he will say 2 years and continue with "i've been talking to you in the lift and at the balcony for 2 years!"

Who asked whom out?
it was never an official "ask you out" kinda thing, we just hung out as friends. but when it started turning into dates, definitely him.

How old are each of you?
i turn 25 this year and he's 30.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
his. cos i'm at his place almost every weekend.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
thinking, planning, worrying, packing for the move to boston.

Did you go to the same school?
he never go school. hahahahaha! no we didnt.

Are you from the same home town?
yes, same singapore kampong.

Who is smarter?
he will insist it's me and i will say i am a ditz and remind him of all my ditzy moments that will make him go "hmmmm....ya hor". i think he's wayyyy smarter.

Who is the most sensitive?
me la! but then again, sometimes i think it's him, just tt he masks it well.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
use to be at the teochew porridge place at hougang, but now it's at home.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
boston. before this was bintan.

Who has the craziest exes?
i can safely say him. hahahahahahah!

Who has the worst temper?
i've got a shorter temper but he's def got a worse temper. bad bad one. scary.....

Who does the cooking?
me!!! but he cooks as well. we both like cooking for each other.

Who is the neat-freak?
ha! def him. he picks up after me, cleans up after me, tells me not to do this and that but if i really cant change it's ok, he'll do it instead. so sweet right....hahahahaha! (we're in a serviced apt now n it's quite a mess, he asked me last night "baby, when we move into our own home, it will be neat n clean, not like now right....?")

Who is more stubborn?
me. he can be stubborn but he listens too. i just bulldoze my way thru.

Who hogs the bed?
him. got no space for me to sleep la! but i steal the blankie!

Who wakes up earlier?
i have no problems waking up but he has to wake up earlier these days cos he's working and i'm just a desperate housewife.

Where was your first date?
erm....either ikea or rochester. he will insist it's rochester of cos.

Who is more jealous?
we've not gotten jealous over anyone before....but i would say me.

How long did it take to get serious?
almost immediately. my boy is super serious way back from the onset. and i'm very thankful for that.

Who eats more?
he of cos. hello! i mean, he's twice my size!!!!

Who does the laundry?
we've been doing this together.

Who's better with the computer?
def him. he's deeeeegiiiiiiitaaaaaaa ma.

Who drives when you are together?
we've got no car. but he's got a license n i dun.


  1. i cant believe you did this. were u toooooooooooo bored? haha. anyway finally! i am done with the tests that comes one after another. im drained. now its time to squeeze the remaining 0.000001% of brain juices to complete law assignment. i already dont have much juices left and they still don take pity on me. sigh. anyway, hows everything over there? we should email each other. =) take care k. i miss you. i love you.

    ps: swolly misses you and oggie.

  2. hahhhaa i didn't know you would do this kinda nonsense thing! i thought only i am bo liao enough hurhurhur... -alittlewhine

  3. aiya, having a blog is bo liao enough, might as well go all the way n do all other bo liao things. plus i ripped it off you - miss nonsense.

